The structures of the five Nordic Library Associations are all different though they all advocate for free and equal access for the citizens of their countries and for updated, quality based library services and libraries.
The workshop looks into, and afterwards discusses, possibilities and differences in order to provide the strongest possible organizations for libraries today.
The Danish Library Association (Danmarks Biblioteksforening) in cooperation with The Danish Research Library Association (Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforening) The Municipal Association of School Libraries (Kommunernes Skolebiblioteksforening) – together with the other Nordic Library Associations. Session moderator is Ms. Hellen Niegaard, Chief consultant at the Danish Library Association
Welcome to REACH OUT
Mr. Vagn Ytte Larsen, president of the Danish Library Association
This morning's session is organised as a meeting between a group of guests and two opponents: Advocacy, impact and political influence today and tomorrow
7-minute introductions to each of the Nordic Library Associations' models
Mr. Niclas Lindberg, Secretary General, Swedish Library Association
Ms. Hege Newth Nouri, Act. Secretary General, Norwegian Library Association
Ms. Sinikka Sipälä, Secretary General, Finnish Library Association
Mr. Michel Steen-Hansen, Director, The Danish Library Association
Ms. Sigrún Guðnadóttir, Upplysning/The Icelandic Library and Information Science Association
Fighting for libraries – Developing strong national library associations
The good and the bad - the panel is interviewed by the two opponents.
Mr. Michael Cotta-Schønberg, President, Danish Research Library Association
Ms. Liselotte Hillestrøm, Municipal Association of School Libraries
Rethinking the National Advocacy Structures?
pros and cons of the different models – seen from the view of politicians and professionals
Mr. Jukka Relander, president of the Finnish Library Association
Ms. Inga Lundén, president of the Swedish Library Association
What now - Closing by session moderator Hellen Niegaard
Se presentation from Michel Steen-Hansen http://biblioteksdebat.blogspot.com/2011/06/reach-out-how-to-organize-an...
Notes from the Workshop
We heard five interesting presentations of the Scandinavian Library Associations. Although they have the same overall goal to promote libraries, they differ in various ways. Take a closer look at the presentations when they are uploaded to this site.
Some of the questions posed to the panel and the audience:
Do the Library associations have more or less impact on decision making now compared to 30 years ago?
What will be the most important advocacy in five years’ time?
Would it be a good idea to split up library associations so they represent only one sector (public libraries, school libraries etc. - like the Danish model?)
What do you expect from your Library Association?
Some of the answers and views:
It is not important to set standards for how to organise a library association – it’s much better to cooperate at both the administrative level and at project level
It is important to attract young members for instance by campaigning amongst students. A new image is needed.
It is important to secure open access to digital information and to find new business models for digitalization of books, music etc.
It is important to be visible in the media – to show the impact libraries have on society and on the individual.
It is time for rethinking the library. The library associations should turn from inside matters to external communication and engage with partners.