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Marianne Lindblad

Library Director , Pornainen Library
+358 40 356 8573 or + 358 40 829 3277

Marianne Lindblad is the director of Pornainen municipal library since 1995. She is a qualified librarian and obtained a Master of Social Sciences. She has held posts as director in Pornainen and Luopioinen municipal library.  
She gave lessons in the library subjects at the Kerava vocational school 2001-2002. She also worked at the Kerava vocational school in board of examiners as a supervise an exam 2001-2002.
Marianne Lindblad has written many articles in local newspapers and has lectured in many domestic library conferences.
In here current work as the director of Pornainen municipal library she is also responsible for municipals cultural policy.
Marianne Lindblad is interested in library marketing and the survival of small libraries.

I am looking for ideas and inspiration for my every day work. We are building a computer class for the school children and our aim is to teach them to use data bases and how to understand the social media. So it would be nice to have more ideas how to use the computer class, how to get the most out of it.


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