Preparing for my postersession on monday and looking forward to seeing you all in Aarhus soon
Jan Holmquist's picture

Jan Holmquist

Development Manager / Librarian / Biblioteksfaglig chef , Guldborgsund-bibliotekerne
Nykøbing F, Denmark

I would like to share thoughts about importance of libraries and how they develop - And I am looking forward to learning from the participants. I would also like to share experiences from the Buy India a Library project


  • Jan Holmquist's picture
    Fri, 2011-06-17 10:06 - Jan Holmquist :

    Preparing for my postersession on monday and looking forward to seeing you all in Aarhus soon

  • Jan Holmquist's picture
    Thu, 2011-02-17 01:02 - Jan Holmquist :

    I am looking forward to seeing you all in Aarhus