Partnerships for inclusion/

Interactive Session

Kista Science City is the Silicon Valley of Northern Europe and Sweden’s most visited shopping destination. Here innovation equals cross-boundary collaboration for technological and economic growth.
Now the key players in the area are working together to boost and visualize the social, cultural and multicultural aspects of this vibrant ICT cluster.

In this city building process, the Stockholm Public Library is taking an active role to create a cultural and social infrastructure for inclusion. With the Kista Idea City/Lab project the library aims at bringing together business and academia with residents and shoppers in a new cultural meeting point for reading, learning and un-expected meetings. One key factor for success is the formation of partnerships for inclusion. We need to attract a mix of stakeholders from all sectors of society that share the same vision of a local society without social, cultural or linguistical borders.

This workshop will be an open discussion about  the advantages and difficulties involved in the process of creating a library for the 21th Century, built on strategic partnerships for inclusion. Starting from the case of Kista, the discussion will open up a general discussion about Triple Helix as a possible (or impossible?) co-operation model for library stakeholders. What are the possibilities and obstacles involved in a business model combining both public and commercial partners, and how can a joint project between a public library, adult education and the academia be succesful?  

The workhop will be moderated by Åke Nygren, project manager at Stockholm Public Libraries. He is currently involved in the development of Kista Learning Center and Kista Idea Lab. His areas of interest involve lifelong learning, public library innovation, social media, mobile library, digital inclusion, strategic partnerships and multilingual services. He is a co-founder of, a Swedish/Nordic social network for library professionals. Åke is also a frequent presenter on topics such as social media, the mobile library, social networks and geo-local services.

13 people have shown interrest in this session.


Lisbeth Galtung's picture
20 June, 2011 - 16:04 - Lisbeth Galtung says:

Brief sum up from the workshop:

After some techincal difficulties Åke Nygren introduced the tripple helix co operation model. The three dimensions of the model is:
A(cademic) P(ublic Sector) I(ndustry)
In short: API.

The purpose of the model is to create social capital by co-orperating interdisciplinary hence creating social inclusion in the local community.

Very interesting and relevant way to think partnerships more concretely. For instance in the beginning of a new project: How can you co-operate with people from the different spheres? Try and integrate the different spheres in the model - including both the formal and informal instutotions and ways of working.

And how do we do this?!
Bring together:
People from both the informal and formal academic worlds
People (both users and staff) from the public
People from local organizations, firms etc.

And interact and: "Play & learn, Play & turn, Play & earn"

Check out Åke's mind map from session:

Check out the photos here:

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