Scholarship Grants for Next Library 2011
It is our great pleasure to announce that funds are now available to support five colleagues from countries outside Scandinavia, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, US and Canada to attend the 2011 Next Library conference in Aarhus.
Travel grants can be provided by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Successful candidates receive support in the form of conference fee plus a maximum total grant of EUR 2000 for travel, accommodation and per diem. Additional expenses need to be covered by other sponsorships or by the candidates themselves (in exceptional circumstances and depending on travel costs, funding of up to EUR 2.500 may be considered).
Eligible are those:
Who are living and working in a country outside Scandinavia, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, US and Canada
Who are currently working in a public library
Who have documented endorsement by institution/library
Who are library and information professionals with at least three years, but no more than eight years, of library or information science experience
Who have sufficient English skills, since next library 2011 will be conducted entirely in English
Priority may be given to those who in addition are contributing as a speaker or moderator in a workshop at Next Library 2011.
It is not neccesary to register for the conference in order to apply for the scholarship.
Please hold your registrations, until you know whether or not you will receive the grant.
Please send your completed application as an attachment by email to:
Download the Application Form: PDF / Word
Next Library 2011 gratefully acknowledges grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation