The website has been provided with a search function. It can be found at the main page.
If you’re searching for people you may know, events or discussions, you can start here. Simply type what you’re searching for (i.e. the name of a user), and you will find every instance on the website, where that text is present. You are also able to search exclusively for users.
It is possible to use AND / OR operators for searching, as well as specific sentences ("something I want to write") and negative words (exclusions).
Example: Beatles OR John Lennon "penny Lane" -insect
This search looks for Beatles or John Lennon and "Penny Lane", but excludes everything that contains the word insect.
Search Categories
Test the search tab by searching for "Dalsager". The search function will show you three categories of instances, where "Dalsager" is present: Content, User Profile and Users.
Content shows you the pages and other data that this search keyword (In this case: Dalsager) is present in. For this particular search, "Dalsager" is present in the "Contact" session of our website.
User Profile and Users show you the profiles that match the keywords. In this case, the profile "Dalsager" fits the keyword perfectly.
If you wish to view all tweets for #nextlibrary, just use this link:!/search/nextlibrary
Or search Twitter for the Nextlibrary tag.