Thank you Yan for reminding me about that topic!
What I see as a trend is assosiated with libraries' transformation into more heterogeneous places nowadays; I mean places which endevour diversity and try to reach both the most active citizens, civil and grass-root organizations, buziness people, etc. as well as the distant, isolated, marginal, forgotten, etc. communities.
In order to do that they are forced to create 'packages' of specific collections, activities and experiences, in other words - library products. What is more - they need to do that in the context of intensive differentiation and fragmentation of the society and within a severe competition with similar information, learning, cultural, entertainment, etc. commercial entities..
The most ambitious libraries create great products and constantly differentiate them, many times learning from the commercial organizations. That enhance their use and redefine their place in people's lives.
You are right that industry presumes profit and library - not; industries sell and libraries - don't. But they both create products for specific targets... Libraries' budgets depend on their performance, based to a higher extent on quantitative measurements:))) I will stop here:))
Why I post it in the "Capacity for change' ? Because I believe 'library as a creative industry' is a capacity 'the next library' need to develop further:)
I have recently been wondering if libraries limit or stunt their own creativity or ability to innovate when they are focused primarily on service to the disadvantaged. I have seen US public libraries thrive when their director explicitly looks to serve their whole communities, including those who "already have". I have heard others say they are inspired to think "next" when they see their colleagues do so.
Do we thwart our ability to "next" if we are concerned primarily with "equality"? Or, does "next" provide the ability to develop "equity"?
It makes sense to me although it is too much advanced yet
I suppose it will be a new topic for the next "Next Library" conference