We received 120 pages and we believe some of them covered the feed-back from two persons.
Questions and summary of the answers:
What are the three best things about Next Library 2011?
o (66) Meeting and learning from dedicated people from many different countries and backgrounds – networking
o (24) Open and happy social atmosphere – “The best thing was the people”
o (20) Inspiration and exchange of ideas came easy
o (17) The Varna Mansion Party
o (10) Freedom of speech and good communication with everyone
o (5) Energizers and social events
o (4) The food
o (29) Professional (and Happy / Friendly) organizers / Good organi-zation
o (13) Workshops / sessions were interactive
o (6) Time for reflection and discussion
o (3) Flexible informal structure
o (2) Good rhythm between sessions and keynotes
o (2) Interaction & participatory sessions
o That the conference is in Denmark
o Freedom of choice
o Combinations of workshops and lectures
o (19) Good workshops with great variety
o (11) The Community Engagement World Café
o (4) Out of the Box Workshop
o (4) International keynotes
o (3) Chu Shuqing’s Keynote
o (2) Building a Library from Scratch
o The workshop on architecture
o The Reach Out Workshop
o Claudia Lux
Can you mention 3 things that could have been different?
o The acoustics in Varna are bad for networking – a lot of noise!
o “Help” for finding the right people would be good. Possibly by seating people after “professions” or interests at Varna
o (22) The conference should last longer, giving time to attend more sessions, and make better social contacts. Would be better use of travel money, etc. if the conference was longer
o (17) Shorter workshops, giving time to attend more of them – maybe even repeat them
o (10) The programme changed too often!
o (9) More opportunities for discussing sessions (breaks)
o (4) Better facilities and practical tech issues (microphones, etc.) in the labs
o (4) Energizers should have brought people to the stage to partici-pate more
o (3) Please have less energizers – “made me feel uncomfortable”
o (3) The poster sessions should have been more visible
o (2) Vegetarian food should be easier to find
o (2) Staff should be more recognizable
o Food should be more internationally oriented (warm food for cold weather)
o More seats/chairs in the lobby
o It’s hard to leave a session if you end up in the wrong one
o Days started too early!
o Tuborg was depleted!
o More information about the un-conference
o (17) Better description of (and information about) workshops
o (2) Pecha Kucha should be organized as keynotes
o (2) Inviting non-library partners to the conference
o (2) Some workshops revolved around the same questions
o (2) A keynote speaker who did something revolutionary (maybe someone from outside the “library-world”)
o (2) Urban Library Development Workshop was much too big – the discussions didn’t work well.
o Open Source workshop should be more interactive
o The venue is not suitable for innovation
o Conclusion was unclear
Which things (ideas / concepts / methods / contacts) from the con-ference can you use in your work?
- (21) A lot of friends and network contacts
- (17) Workshop methods and ideas
- (13) The AIP Model and learnings from “Partnerships for Inclusion”
- (13) Using feedback from the “Building Your Library Community” work-shop!
- (13) Learnings from the Community Engagement Café
- ( Social reading clubs
- (7) All of them. We will try to remember all of it
- (7) Next Mobile & Augmented Reality
- (6) Open Source Workshop concepts
- (6) Learnings from the theatre workshop (Out of the Box)
- (4) The Danish Library “template” / model can be used for improving li-braries globally
- (4) Inspiration to building libraries in developing countries
- (3) Ideas for attracting users to the libraries
- (2) The energizers!
- Arguments for advocacy
- The innovative format of the sessions
- Advocacy examples from library associations
- The focus on listening before speaking
- The discussion methods from “Building a Library from Scratch”